Our Winter in Florida

My family and I were home in North Carolina for Christmas, and it was fun spending the holidays with our extended family. This was the first Christmas we'd spent at home in two years, and it was nice to be surrounded by familiar faces and spend time with the people I love. We spent Christmas Eve with my Gramps We got to see Mia's cat Finn on Christmas Day Christmas Day with my nana My mom with my Gramps, and great-grandpa Floyd--he's ninety-four. We have a family tradition of playing music together every Christmas, and that's what they're doing here. Two days after Christmas, we drove twelve hours--in one day!!--to Florida. I was so happy to be in my favorite state, and we had plans to stay there until March. Our first outing in Florida was to Mount Dora, a charming suburb of Orlando. We had plans to meet our friends the Hendricks for an ...