Our End-of-Summer Travels

We got to our campground in New Hampshire on July 30, and the next day we took a trip to the White Mountains in the north-central section of the state. We drove the famous Kancamangus Highway as well, and though it was pretty, I can imagine how stunning it would be in autumn when the leaves are turning. Along the Kancamangus Highway there are several points of interest to pull over at, and this waterfall was my favorite. A short hike through woods beside a rushing creek led to this beautiful little waterfall. The creek beside the trail leading to the waterfall My dad loves searching for rocks and minerals, which is what he's doing here Mia likes exploring Albany Covered Bridge along the Kancamangus (Kanc) Highway There are several scenic overlooks along the Kanc Highway as well Rocky Gorge Scenic Area, another stop along Kancamangus Highway New Hampshire forests, like Maine forests, are a popular spot for mushrooms o...