We're Back, Florida!!

During our two weeks in NC with family, we had the opportunity to see and hug and talk with lots of family members and friends that we hadn't seen in months; for some, it had been more than a year since we'd last seen one another. It was a lot of fun talking with everyone, sharing our adventures, and seeing what had changed and what had stayed the same in our hometown. I got new glasses! Mia and I had a great time staying with our Aunt Shirley I did a photo shoot with my uncle's beautiful husky, Adonis. My aunt's dog, Milie, is such a cutie! I also got my nose pierced while we were in town for Thanksgiving! We left North Carolina on November 30, stayed overnight in South Carolina, and got to our campsite in Orlando, Florida; on December 1. We celebrated Mia's 12 birthday by going to Universal Studios for the day. We bought season passes to Universal...