Across the Midwest

We'd had a great time in Las Vegas, but it was time to move on to our next campground. We stayed in Cottonwood again (see my previous post, Caverns, Sand Dunes, and Red Rocks); which is such a cute town in a great location. We didn't have anything planned at this campground, which gave us the chance to chill at the campground and make some new friends. We really enjoyed hanging out, and leaving them was sad; but we hope to see each other again soon. We had a long trip to St. Peters, just outside of St. Louis, starting Friday the 14th. On our first day we drove from Cottonwood to New Mexico. The next day we drove from New Mexico to Kansas (this was my first time in Tornado Alley!). And on our last day we went from Kansas to St. Peters, Missouri. This was definitely our record for back-to-back travel days and one-night stays. Needless to say, we were ready ...